Ilana Berman Frank1

Phone: +972-4-8288790
275, Multipurpose Building
Department: Marine Biology 
Research Areas: The impact of aquatic ecosystems on the environment and society, ranging from the local to the global scales
Aquatic Ecology and Biological Oceanography Laboratory

Message from the Head of the School ,Prof. Ilana Berman-Frank

Over 70% of the world is colored blue with the oceans and seas surrounding us. Our oceans are the foundation for life on Earth. The oceans are a lifeline; providing an important buffer for climatic changes and a source for diverse resources including our food and energy supplies, natural products from the sea, and currently, for many dry countries, a potable source of water. Yet, this lifeline is at risk with the increasing impacts of global changes combined with the expanding global demand and utilization of marine resources. Moreover, we still know relatively little of the secrets of the seas, of the workings of this great ecosystem, and of the ways by which we can mitigate and predict some of the threats to this environment.

These concerns raise the need for developing proactive responses on regional and global levels, based on a truly interdisciplinary understanding of the oceans and their surroundings. The task requires a new generation of experts with a wide perspective of marine sciences.

The Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences (CSMS) is a unique initiative on a global scale, applying an interdisciplinary approach with highly professional standards. The largest academic center of marine sciences in Israel, CSMS (U.of Haifa) was the only Israeli program included by the 2020 Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities for Oceanography in the top 200 universities world-wide. Currently CSMS has three complementary Departments: the Dr. Strauss Department of Marine Geosciencesthe Department of Marine Biology and the Hatter Department of Marine Technologies. We also actively partake in teaching issues of marine science within the curricula of a Bachelors of Arts program for Navy captains, and within the Masters program in National Security and Maritime Strategies through the School of Political Sciences.