Direct Doctoral (Ph.D) Studies Program

Graduate students in the Department of Marine Biology are exposed during their studies to the biological and ecological processes of the rich and fascinating marine system – at multiple scales from microns to oceans. M.Sc. and Ph.D. students combine research on a wide variety of marine organisms and questions with a wide range of obligatory and optional courses, educational cruises, research dives and lab work.
This track can be selected by students after completing their B.Sc. with honors (minimal weighted final grade of 90 in each one of the subjects of graduate degree). In addition, students who completed their first year of study in their M.Sc. studies with distinction (an average score of at least 90 points in courses of at least 16 credit points), and whose research topic is defined and approved by the supervisor. The departmental doctoral committee will discuss these applications to the direct Ph.D. track. In each case, students, whether they completed a B.Sc. degree and began the direct track or completed one year of their M.Sc. studies, must complete the courses of the department’s M.Sc. program with a minimum of 32 credits points. The duration of the direct-track doctoral degree is 5 years for students who started the program after completing their B.Sc. degree, or 4 years for students who began their direct doctorate after their first year of M.Sc. degree.
Graduate studies in the department include a research period (thesis) under the supervision of one of the department’s researchers. For details about specific research and researchers, please contact the researcher through the relevant lab website. go to labs.
Core studies in the department of Marine Biology take place in English. External courses may require Hebrew proficiency.
Duration of Studies: In accordance with the Graduate Studies Authority program.