Unveiling the Levant Basin's Geologic Secrets: New Research on Salt Tectonics

Congratulations to Mimi Anagnostoudi from our Dr. Moses Strauss Department of Marine Geosciences on her new research published in the prestigious Structural Geology journal.
Mimi’s fascinating study uses innovative physical analogue models to unravel the salt-related gravity-driven deformation history of the Plio-Pleistocene sequence in the Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean.
Her work is published on the Special Issue of Structural Geology dedicated to her late mentor and supervisor, Prof. Bruno Vendeville.
Exploring the intriguing world of salt tectonics, Mimi’s research unveils how the Messinian salt deposits and its post-Messinian overburdens flow and deform under gravity-driven processes, shaping the modern seafloor in the Levant Basin.
On her models, she simulates the major geomorphological features of the Eastern Mediterranean and reveals the interplay between the gravity spreading from the Nile Deep Sea Fan and the gravity gliding and spreading from the Levant and Egyptian margins, under the buttressing effect of the Eratosthenes Seamount.
In this collaborative endeavor with esteemed colleagues from Université de Lille and Universitat de Barcelona, Mimi’s findings deepen our understanding of the dynamic forces sculpting the ocean floor.