The Helmsley Trust's Donation for the Benefit of Mediterranean Sea Researc

Thanks to the donation from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, research on the Mediterranean Sea was made possible, establishing a knowledge base and an international hub for marine development and research.
The primary activities involve improving the infrastructure required for marine research, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration, developing academic-research faculty, creating marine science study programs, and expanding the national marine science databases. This is facilitated by advanced research equipment, including unmanned vehicles designed for deep-sea operations down to 3,000 meters.
As part of the activities made possible by the donation, a marine station was established for shallow water research, from which long-term monitoring and observation of the marine environment is conducted. Additionally, unmanned underwater vehicles were purchased, providing a foundation for deep-sea research. The University of Haifa collaborates with the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and research bodies in the United States, Canada, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, and others.
In recent years, the marine environment has become a focal point of research due to its scientific and practical importance, as well as its environmental, economic, and legal implications. The discovery of natural gas reserves off the coast of Israel and the decisions to develop diverse marine infrastructure have drawn national attention to Israel’s economic waters in the Mediterranean Sea, presenting Israel with unprecedented challenges. These challenges necessitate a reorganization of scientific and academic activities in marine research, with maximum integration of the relevant parties.
Marine research topics are numerous and encompass diverse fields of knowledge that influence one another, requiring a multidisciplinary approach and suitable equipment. Topics include the structure of the seabed and what lies beneath, energy resource exploration (oil, gas), global sea level changes and their connection to past and present climate changes, coastal impact (such as cliff erosion), desalination of seawater, and the effect on human surroundings both today and in archaeological periods. Over 50% of the world’s population lives near the sea and depends on its resources in various ways – from fishing, sand mining, oil and gas extraction, transportation, and more. As the population grows, the pressure to exploit marine resources increases. The Helmsley Trust’s donation was given to create a national foundation for marine research, employ skilled personnel to operate and maintain autonomous and robotic equipment, and ensure access to equipment for the entire Israeli research community