The Hatter Department of Marine Technologies

Department Head: Prof. Yizhaq Makovsky

We at the Hatter Department of Marine Technologies work in technological research to develop knowledge, novel methods and advanced equipment for applied research of the sea. Located outside the University’s main campus at the IOLR research institute, the department has established an advanced national infrastructure for the study of the sea. The department’s academic staff combines expertise in marine engineering with understanding and research in the fields of oceanographic natural sciences. Professional engineers and technicians support the operation and maintenance of the department’s marine platforms and technologies, and develop sensors that assist in research.

The department offers a variety of graduate courses across several engineering disciplines and is the only academic center in Israel to offer a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Marine Technologies. The department has exceptional students, strong scholarship in terms of knowledge generation and application and vibrant public-private partnerships with major economic impact on the State of Israel and beyond. Evident in research expenditures, scholarly publications and leadership positions in professional societies, the department has extraordinary research strength in advanced signal and image processing, underwater autonomous vehicles, machine learning, telecommunications, navigation, marine engineering, ocean physics, underwater propulsion and maneuvering.​ The department uses the facilities of the Helmsley Charitable Trust Mediterranean Sea Research Center.


Tel: +972-4-6647928
Sun – Thu: 09:00-13:00
Department of Marine Technologies
Room 283, Multipurpose Building
University of Haifa
199 Aba Khoushy Ave. Mount Carmel
Haifa Israel Zip code: 3498838