Odugbesan Oluwadamilare, a second-year Master’s student from Nigeria, is at the forefront of marine geoscience research, investigating the contourites on the continental shelf of Western Galilee.
Read MoreBlogs by our students
PhD student aims to reconstruct centennial-scale climate variability
Parth Shah, a PhD student supervised by Prof. Nicolas Waldmann, is a multi-award-winning scientist who presented his research at various scientific conferences and published papers in peer-reviewed journals. In his studies, he aims to reconstruct centennial-scale climate variability, and in his spare time, he prefers to combine hobbies and science....
Read MoreMarine Geosciences Department student presents his research at the IAAS Annual Meeting
Xingyu Li, an international Master’s degree student, presented his study at the Israeli Association for Aquatic Sciences Annual Meeting in Tel Aviv among more than 300 scientists.
Read MoreMarine Geosciences Department student is measuring concentrations of heavy metals in Haifa Bay
Elias Mizrahi, a second-year Master’s degree student supervised by the Head of the Department Prof. Revital Bookman, Dr. Nadya Teutsch (Geological Survey of Israel), and Dr. Tamar Guy-Haim (Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research), is working with zooplankton samples from Haifa Bay to measure concentrations of heavy metals. He is also...
Read MoreMarine Geosciences Department student navigates the future of the world’s oceans
Benjamin Ankiri, a first-year Master’s degree student supervised by Prof. Barak Herut and Dr. Eyal Rahav, takes part in an international joint sailing in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, which both benefits his research and his hobby – Benjamin is a skipper in his free time. Follow the link below to...
Read MoreEkaterina Fishman Explores Environmental Challenges in Haifa Bay
Ekaterina Fishman, a Master’s degree student at the Department of Marine Geosciences, is researching Haifa Bay and looking forward to unraveling the sources of its reservoirs and pools pollution. She is also a coauthor of two scientific articles in Earth and Planetary Science Letters and works at Prof. Alex Furman’s...
Read MoreNew chapters in life for two Marine Geosciences Department students
Department of Marine Geosciences remains academically appealing to a number of international students, and they do not hesitate to come to Haifa even in these disturbing times.
Read MoreEtgarim Dive Center holds a special dive in memory of a fallen IDF soldier Adi Leon
Maya Haimson, a Master’s degree student at the Department of Marine Geosciences, is a volunteer in Etgarim Dive Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to diving with the disabled.
Read MoreMarine Geosciences Department student participates in the IOC-UNESCO workshop in Chile
Styliani Sevastaki, an international Marine Geosciences Department student from Greece, uses her time before the official start of the semester to do a joint University of Haifa-GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research project in Germany and to participate in the IOC-UNESCO workshop in Chile. She also has a unique marine-related...
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