Prof. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov
Head of the Dr. Moses Strauss Department of Marine Geosciences
Research Areas: Marine geo-archeology and coastal environment
Laboratory: Marine Geoarcheology & Micropaleontology Laboratory
Phone: +972-4-8280703
Office: 57, Multipurpose Building
Prof. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov is a marine geo-archaeologist, and studies how archaeology, geology, and anthropology of marine systems can help us understand the way nature and humans impact coastlines in the past, present, and future.
Her interests include ancient harbors, disasters, and coastal change. Her work has contributed to tsunami disaster planning and education in Israel and the eastern Mediterranean.
She is also a National Geographic Explorer.
By way of multi-proxy interdisciplinary methods, my research aims to reconstruct and resolve both long and short-term changes in marine and coastal systems as a means to understand and better reconstruct the past and create reasonable expectations for the future. Through my research, I hope to better understand the complex interactions between natural and anthropogenic activities that intersect at the coastline.My primary areas of interests include marine sedimentology, climate, environmental reconstruction, coring methodology, geo and marine archaeology, tsunamis, coastal environments, harbors, micropaleontology, environmental impacts on the benthic environment.