International Master's Degree Program (M.Sc.)

Using the Eastern Mediterranean as a natural marine laboratory the program provides students with a unique opportunity to develop practical scientific experience at sea, together with a rigorous academic curriculum.
Recent significant deep-sea gas findings offshore Israel have prompted a period of unprecedented development and pose world-class scientific, technical and environmental challenges. These significant developments provide students with a wide range of career opportunities in disciplines such as exploration geophysics and environmental geology.
You will be studying with students from across the globe as well as with Israeli students of diverse backgrounds and ethnicities. Our renowned professors will assist you in developing unique expertise in a specialization within the field of geosciences and will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to success in the highly competitive global geosciences arena.
To gain a deeper insight into the research carried out in the Marine Geosciences Department at the University of Haifa, you’re invited to view webinar recordings here. Live webinars are held every Monday at 1 p.m. Israel Time (UTC/GMT +2 hours) throughout the semester.
This two year program begin in the fall semester. It includes courses, fieldtrips, hands-on workshops and an educational cruise.
The program consists of 36 credits: core courses – 18, elective courses -12, Research thesis course- 6 credit points.
Decision upon the elective courses should be approved by both the thesis advisor and the Departmental Committee of Master’s Degree Studies.
- Accredited B.Sc. degree from a recognized academic institution in geology, geophysics, marine science, engineering or other related sciences (complementary studies may be required), with a minimum grade of 80 or equivalent.
- Department pre-requisites are a basic knowledge of science in the following areas: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Atmosphere, English and Computers.
- TOEFL scores (if native language is not English or candidates have not previously studied in an institution of higher education where the language of instruction is English) of at least 550 (paper-based test), 213 (computer-based test) or 80 (internet-based test). Applicants that have obtained an official exemption from English during undergraduate studies or on Psychometric Entrance Test, will be exempt from taking the TOEFL (the official exemption should be submitted).
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research statement – goals and aims of the planned research (500-750 words)
- Official diploma and grade transcripts
- Suitable applicants will be interviewed.
Students who do not have basic knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, atmosphere and computing will be required to successfully complete courses in these areas before being accepted into the program. DMG workshops may, in some cases, be used to fill this gap in knowledge. Applicants of undergraduate degree in other subjects may be accepted for graduate studies in the department according to the decision of the Departmental Committee of Master’s Degree Studies. The committee will adjust a personal complementary study program according to the student’s academic background and research subject requirements. Finishing the complementary studies with a minimal grade of 85 is a condition for continuing the graduate studies program in the Department.
- During the first semester, the student will be obligated to find a potential advisor from the members of the academic staff of the department and agree on a research subject. Advisor’s agreement and announcement on readiness to advise the student in his thesis is a prerequisite for continuing to the second semester.
- Minimal Final weighted grade of obligatory courses of the first year is 80.
- Submission of a thesis proposal before the beginning of the third semester.
- Courses (including two seminar works) 30%
- Thesis 40%
- Thesis defense 30%
The research proposal is an opportunity to present an organized research plan, demonstrate
sufficient background knowledge, and present a coherent methodology. The research proposal is
an opportunity to test the research hypothesis validity and research questions feasibility.
Basic structure of a research proposal should include the points and sections listed below.
1. Abstract
2. Introduction (General and specific background, topic and definitions, previous studies,
study area, gap in knowledge).
3. Working hypothesis
4. Research questions and objectives.
5. Methodology (techniques, field work, experimental setup, laboratory analysis, etc.)
6. Timetable: full plan of research
7. Preliminary results
8. References
Some important guidelines:
– Figures could be embedded within the proposal or appended after the references. All figures
should be cited in the text in ascending order.
– Reference list should correspond to the actual citation of studies in the text and figure
– Expected extent – about 10-15 pages (font size 12, space 1.5 line)
– Writing should be concise and consistent.
Department’s scholarships are given according to university regulations.
For additional scholarships information please go to the Graduate Studies Authority site: